The Daily Liam

The Daily Liam contains opinion which may not be the author's own and should certainly not be attributed to the organisation the author is working for. My opinions are based on the way I have perceived the world through my experiences, if you disagree, please feel free to write a short response stating why. Incremental improvement from small contributions...

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Recommended Reading... the power of being different

Paul Graham has written an essay on the power of not being in the "in crowd". It discusses the power of being at the edge of the activity along with other things.

Ironically this essay sums up in a much more insightful way than I can manage my views on the power of being small.

This is truly a time of incredible opportunity for the world in general and (I believe) the United Kingdom in particular. David has a few years in which he can truly take on Goliath with new ideas.

How can this be true?

  • the development can be done with the help of numerous off-shore companies
  • the marketting can be done inexpensively through Google's Adsense
  • the distribution can be done through technology enabled deals with companies such as FedEx
  • the brand can be built through the viral networks online as well as through traditional channels
  • even the billing can be outsourced through use of PayPal along with several online merchant banking providers
The internet's main strength is that it allows everyone to compete... at times of change like this a small gap opens up for those who will dive through and grow quickly. Google have, ebay have, amazon have. Could you?

This diversion is totally off the topic of Paul Graham's essay and not quite as insightful...

p.s. For a thorough look into this topic, I recommend "The World is Flat" (Amazon), it is moderately heavy reading - but once you have conquered your way through it you will be thoroughly informed!


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